
National Vision - חזון לאומי

"National Vision" was established to provide college students and youngsters tools and knowledge about the Jewish-national worldview. The core program of the organization - "National leaders training" is it's vision. This program prepares its members to participate in the public sphere of Israel in various of public fields.

The program incorporates students from diverse backgrounds - Olim and native born, students of Social Sciences and Exact Sciences, universities and colleges.

Organization founder Ariel Kallner:

"Over the years of Zionist activity in different circles, I saw two phenomena - First: vast verity of Zionist organizations that engage in crucial tasks, but are desperate for quality personnel.  Second: A great motivation, especially among the youth, to contribute to Zionist projects but missing sometimes the intellectual depth and the tools for such contribution.
'National vision came to give those youngsters the needed knowledge and tools and transform them from reality observers to reality creators.”

Our vision is inspired by the saying of the great thinker, the late Dr. Israel Eldad, "A vision shall be determined with eyes closed and fulfilled with open ones."

Hence, in the task of building future leaders the program trains its members on two operative levels: vision and action.


The theoretical part deals with specific issues stationed on the Israeli agenda, from Jewish - Zionist - National perspective. This is done by series of lectures from the best professors, educational tours and symposiums.


Engaging the students in Zionist and Jewish-national projects in the fields of law, finance, communications, publicity and education with the supervision of known Zionist organizations.

The Zionism academy

The program offers an intellectual alternative to postmodern and post-Zionist indoctrination of the academic discourse in Israel.

The program is designated for outstanding students that aspire to integrate in the Israeli public service. In order to create future Zionist leaders, empowered both intellectually and morally, the program includes series of lectures by leading lecturers, educational tours and symposiums.

The students are also integrated in research and publicity projects of Jewish-national character in various fields - law, economics, publicity, anti-Semitism and more.



Average cost





20 events, 40 lectures





Educational tours




Renting and Maintenance





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